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Vaccination & Deworming Schedule in S& G


@drMadina Prasadarao ‪@DrMadinaVetPet‬
#Vaccination in sheep and Goat schedule#goat #black bengal #boer goat #sirohi #jamanapari #osmanibadi #beetal
#characteristics #breeds #twining
#Intensive #Shed #farming #Cattle #buffalo #sheep # Goat #Poultry #farming #Frequently Asked Questions

I am Dr.Madina Prasadarao working as Assistant Director at Visakhapatnam having 30 years of field experience.
Uploading training videos.
#Surgical procedure #Canine #Large animal #Sheep # Goat #birds #I/v inoculation #Ovarian hysterectomy #Mammary tumor #esophagotomy
#Short films on # Sheep rearing #Brucellosis #Dog bite #FMD #Calf rearing
Videos uploaded on Diseases prevention and treatment #Black quarter #HS #Tetanus #BT #PPR #Microfilaria #Babesiosis #trypanomiasis #theiloriasis
Vaccination procedures #site of vaccination #Dose #Precautions
Poultry Diseases #RD #Coccidiosis #Lasota #F1 #RDK
#EC Shed
Farmers Success stories on #Fooder #Cow farming #sheep shed #Intensive farming #EC Poultry farming
Videos on #Census #Bharat pasudhan #INAPH
Sheep farming videos on #Fodder Crops #Shed Construction #Vaccinations #treatment #intensive farming
Poultry Farming videos on #Coccidiosis #Ranikhet #fowl cholera #fowl pox #injections #quail farming #hatching of eggs #incubator
Giving training classes at #SMILE #RAHTC

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